Nahoo TV პირდაპირი ეთერი

სატელევიზიო არხი:Nahoo TV

ქვეყანა: ეთიოპია

კატეგორია: ადგილობრივი

3 / 5

2 ხმა

Nahoo TV უყურეთ სტრიმინგს პირდაპირ ეთერში

Nahoo TV is a free-to-air infomercial TV channel operating in Ethiopia. The channel is based in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia and started test broadcasting on Ethiosat in January 2016 with regular programming starting later that year. The channel is broadcasting with official language of Ethiopia, in Amharic, but also developing programme languages to be broadcast in foreign languages such as English, and unofficial domestic languages such as Afaan Oromo.
