Tiny Pop პირდაპირი ეთერი

სატელევიზიო არხი:Tiny Pop

ქვეყანა: გაერთიანებული სამეფო

კატეგორია: საბავშვო

4.6 / 5

5 ხმა

Tiny Pop უყურეთ სტრიმინგს პირდაპირ ეთერში

Tiny Pop is a free-to-air children's television channel in the United Kingdom, owned by CSC Media Group, a subsidiary of Sony Pictures Television. Broadcast on many of the major digital television platforms in the UK, its target audience is children aged 7 and under . The station broadcasts principally animated content sourced from various distributors. This is a free view children’s television channel broadcat in the United Kingdom. With its target audience aimed at children aged 7 and under, the station centers principally around an animated content sourced from various distributors.
